Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome to The Ledge

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the University of West Georgia's English Graduate Teaching Assistant Blog, or "The Ledge," as it shall henceforth be known.

(because the thought of typing "the University of West Georgia's English Graduate Teaching Assistant Blog" every single time I post something makes me want to go ahead and just jump)

And that would be counter-productive, since the purpose of this blog is to keep us, the Graduate Teaching Assistants, from jumping. 

Our goal in this blog is to create a space where we can talk about things like grade norming, Hocs and Locs, responding to students, and facilitating discussions in the classroom. If it is successful, this blog will also become a collection of information, suggestions, advice, etc..., that will help future graduate teaching assistants feel less alone and overwhelmed. 

Think of it as a time capsule for really, really cool people. 


Deb said...

I thought I heard it all until I received a frantic e-mail from a student telling me, almost 5 weeks into the semester, that she just now discovered how to access her e-mails from me and that she couldn't come to class (yet again) because of some bad sushi. She wanted to know if I would forgive her for having been the victim of (another?) unfortunate circumstance.

The process of natural selection at work.

Amelia said...

How many times has she been absent or did she never show up, Deb?

I have had my own set of frustrations this semester. The one that irks me the most are the students who thought they were in Mitzi's class because of the listing confusion. Some of them seemed genuinely confused and really tried to make things up because they had missed a major assignment. But, about two of them just blew the assignment and me off in a way that made it very clear that they expected me to just "take care of it for them"
Nope, zero, zero, zero. I was being lenient as it was and they took advantage of it. I even made the zeros bold on my grade sheet to release some frustration.

Deb said...

She's right at three. She's on the ledge, as it were.

April said...

I feel your pain ladies. I have my own set of "I don't understand why I have to come to class or do work" students. In a side word verification word was slut...I think the computer just insulted my honor...

Amelia said...

Yeah if she has missed 3 already I think it is time to let her go. I have a few who have already missed 3 as well and it is like...what? Do you realize one more and you are dropped from the class? How do you miss that much already when we have not even been in class for a month?!

Kristen Raymond said...

I just want to thank Jade for all her hard work at the grade norming session and for setting up the blog! I don't know how you do and Amy are my idols! It was nice to talk with adults! Hope everyone is well!